
Dear Juniors,

You are going to have a year filled with a lot of hard work and testing!  As a junior you will take the ASVAB and the PSAT in the fall and then you will be required to take the SAT in the spring here at school.  It is going to seem like you are getting tested all the time, but it will be worth it in the end!  

Please make sure that you continue to look into colleges and careers that you are interested in, attend as many college presentations as possible, and start visiting colleges that you are interested in.  You even have two days that will be excused from school for college visits.  Just make sure you bring back proof of your attendance or a tour of the college that you visit for your absence to be excused!

Remember to continue doing your best and get the grades that you will be proud of!

Have a great year, Mrs. Pettit